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Governing Body

Maypole School's proprietors are ultimately responsible for every aspect of the School's management and operation. They are supported by the School's Governing Body, which is an advisory group of specialists and experts, whose remit is to scrutinise and challenge all aspects of the School’s operation, and to advise the school as appropriate. The Group’s Terms of Reference are at this link. 

The Group will comprise of at least 7 members, the majority of whom will be external members who are highly experienced in holding schools and / or organisations to account.

In the event of a complaint about the School, the chair of the Governing Body will be contactable via, or letters can be posted to the Governing Body Chair, Maypole School, 76 Leigham Court Rd, Streatham SW16 2QA. The Chair can also be contacted via the School Office, on 0203 887 0395 during term-time, or via 07512 318 056 at any time.  

The Proprietor body (Maypole Therapeutic Education Ltd) is contactable via or via 07512 318 056 at any time, or letters can be posted to the Governing Body Chair, Maypole School, 76 Leigham Court Rd, Streatham SW16 2QA. 

The Governing Body's members are as shown below.  

External members

Name Position
Philip Prior Educational Psychologist (Chair)
Nigel Butcher Pastor of a local Church
Bryan Sergeant Organisational Consultant
Callum Taylor Financier

Employee Members

Name Position
Adrienne Cherrywood OBE  Principal
John Herring  Admissions & Operations
Kitty Clark  Headteacher